FREE REPORT—Dr. douglas pew

Discover the 10 Commandments of Writing Great LDS Church Music!

You DO NOT need a fancy degree in music to write beautiful testimony songs. If you can play Primary songs and many hymns on the piano, you have almost everything you need.

You just need a few principles (of Commandments) of great "resonant" music writing to get you started. Download your FREE copy of these Sacrament-Meeting music writing Commandments now.

"I never in a million years thought I could write a song... but I DID! And I love it! My grandkids even sang it at a family baptism a few weeks later. It was so special to have my song about Jesus be a part of their baptismal service."

— Shalene Albert, Salt Lake City

Join Dr. Douglas Pew and hundreds of his students to discover how you can begin writing powerful LDS Church Music.

Turn Your Testimony Into Song, Even If You Don't Have a Degree in Music!

Inside this FREE report, you'll discover great writing secrets, including...

  1. Which chord connections you should never use if you want your music to resonate with your congregation—except when used in one specific situation.
  2. The most dangerous note in every major and minor key—which can either increase the emotional potency of your music or make it limp and lacking in stick power.
  3. Simple little “extra” notes that don’t belong to any chord—but they embellish your music with flavorful lyricism any writer at any level of experience can master.
  4. How to keep your congregation's rapt attention until the bitter end—keeping them hanging on your every note until the last chord-change in each piece you write.
  5. The “senior companion” secret every successful writer of Church music used—and which will work wonders for you.

Enter your name and best email address to get your FREE 24-page report, “The 10 Commandments of Writing Powerful LDS ‘Warm Fuzzy’ Music,” plus daily email tips to help give you ongoing support.

Learn 10 Strategies to Write Great LDS Church Music!

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